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Campaign/Project Visibility: Quick Tour
Campaign/Project Visibility: Quick Tour
Laurence O'Toole avatar
Written by Laurence O'Toole
Updated over a week ago

This visibility module will provide a user with insights, based on the keywords they are monitoring in the campaign or project.

Tabbed Navigation


The module is split into three main views (the Overview, the Ranking Keywords view and the Ranking URLs view). Click on any of the three tabs to change your view.

Search form


The module will automatically populate with the competitors on your campaign or project. However, at the top of the module is a search form which will allow you to add any other domain to the analysis at any time.

At the top right hand corner of the module, you will see a settings icon, a filter icon and a date selector.



Settings: Market Scope:


Market Scope allows a user to switch the analysis between the 'Whole Market' and 'Selected Domains' (i.e. the currently displayed pillboxes). The most noticeable change you'll see when switching between these two options is that the number of domains shown in the Competitor League Table (see below) will change, along with the Visibility Share % for each. With 'Selected Domains' selected (which is the default) the Competitor League Table will match the pillboxes you have displayed, along with the Visibility Share each domain has when compared to the other selected domains; however, when you selected 'Whole Market', you'll see that the number of domains will expand to many hundreds, if not thousands of domains that compete in that market.

You can also toggle the analysis between 'Whole Market' and 'Selected Domains' simply by clicking on the filter box:


Settings: Groups:


This option allows a user to group domains together so that their analysis is grouped together. This is helpful when you own or a client owns multiple web properties that both rank in the market.

Clicking on 'Add Group' will produce the following window:


Simply give the group a name (this will appear in the resulting pillbox), a description and then choose the matching rules you want to use. The easiest rule to use is an 'exact match' which allows you to group exact domains together, but you can also use 'starts with' and 'ends with'. Click on the + icon to add multiple rules.


Once you have saved the group, you will need to enable it by clicking on Settings > Groups and selecting the checkbox next to your new group:


Once you have done this, the group will appear as its own pillbox:


This feature is particularly handy if you want the module to aggregate the stats for groups of domains together - for example:

  • Where you own one or more web properties that both generate rankings and traffic in a particular market and you want an overall view of visibility for all your websites

  • When you want to group certain categories of sites together - e.g. affiliate sites, direct competitors, resellers, wholesalers, e-tailers, bricks and mortar, your own sites, etc


Clicking on the filter icon will provide a user with the following options:


Filters: Keyword Tags

If you have setup tags in your campaign or project, these will be listed here. Simply select one or more tag and the analysis will be filtered accordingly. Once you have chosen your required tags, remember to click on the Apply button.


Once you have applied a filter, a filter box will appear:


You can click on this filter box to toggle that filter or or off. This feature allows you to perform 'drill down' analysis based on just a number of keywords that are tagged with the tags you have selected.

Filters: Keyword Groups


Similar to filtering by keyword tags, a user can filter by keyword groups (you can also filter by both tags and groups). The functionality is the same - select your required groups, click on the Apply button and the analysis will refresh to reflect those choices.

Filters: Universal Results


This filter allows a user to filter the analysis by one or more universal result types. There are many ways in which this can be a really helpful feature- for example, if you want to see which domains rank for different result types and gain a quick idea of the search volumes for those keywords.

Custom Date Selector


This allow you to change the analysis to any particular date range. NB: if your campaign is setup so that keywords are monitored daily, then the module will also update every day; however, if you have more than 5,000 monitored keywords on a daily campaign, then this module will only be updated once a week.


Analysed domains will appear as brightly coloured pillboxes. You can toggle the pillboxes on or off at any time to include them in or exclude them from the analysis (in the image below you'll notice that the yellow pillbox for has been temporarily toggled off). You can also remove them from the analysis altogether by clicking on the close icon (cross in a black circle) on each one.

The colours of the pillboxes will match the colours shown in most of the widgets:

Visibility Share % widget, highlighting the fact that the <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> is coloured the same shade of blue in both the widget and the pillbox above it.



The module includes a number of widgets which break the data down in various ways.

Expand/Shrink functionality

All the widgets have the option to expand to the full width of the user's screen. Simply click on the expand icon in the top right hand corner of each widget:


CSV downloads

Most of the widgets include an icon which allows a user to download a simple CSV file which will contain the raw data that is being used to populate the widget:


Widget: Visibility Index


This displays the Visibility Score for each of the selected domains (i.e. those that are represented by pillboxes). Each bar in the chart will match the pillbox colour. For a definition of Visibility Score, see our glossary.

Widget: Visibility Share %


This provides a breakdown of Visibility Share as a percentage. The colours shown in the chart will match the colours of the respective pillboxes.

Widget: Ranking Summaries

This chart displays the number of ranking keywords each domain has in different ranking 'buckets'. It allows you to easily assess the overall ranking strength and ranking spread for each domain.


Widget: Visibility % (by Keyword Group)

Displays visibility % by keyword group. This allows you to easily assess which keyword groups are generating the most visibility for the client domain.


Widget: Result Type Prominence

This chart allows a user to see, at a glance, which result types are more 'prominent' (i.e. more likely to appear for the campaign keywords on this campaign). In the example below, you can see quite easily that for almost all of the keywords Google is displaying People Also Ask results in the SERPs.


Widget: Number of Keywords

This bar chart provides a domain-to-domain visual comparison, based on the total number of ranking keywords each domain has.


Widget: Ranking URLs

This chart displays the number of ranking URLs each domain has over time.


Widget: Keywords by Search Volume

This chart displays the number of ranking keywords each domain has, based on various Search Volume 'buckets'. It therefore allows a user to easily assess whether a domain has a high number of ranking keywords for keywords with high search volumes, for example.


Widget: Visibility Impact (BETA)

This widget will give the user a visual representation of the impact universal results are having on a site's organic visibility. It displays a solid red area which represents a site's organic visibility (Visibility Score) over time and a shaded area which is a theoretical Visibility Score the site could have achieved were other result types (images, videos, top stories, carousels, etc) not present in the SERPs.


Overview Chart

Below the widgets, you will see an Overview chart which will display various metrics over time for the selected domains:


You can change the displayed metric at any time by clicking on the chevron in the far right of the header bar. The following metrics are currently supported:

  • Average Rank

  • Keywords per Page

  • Number of Keywords

  • Number of Pages (Ranking URLs)

  • Potential Visibility Score

  • Potential Visibility Value

  • Visibility % (Visibility Share)

  • Visibility Score

  • Visibility Value $

CLT (Competitor League Table)

Below the chart, you will see a table which displays (by default) various metrics for the selected domains:


You'll notice that the example above is display around 20 rows of data, because it is displaying the selected domains (which by default will be the "client" domain and its competitors). If you change the market scope to 'Whole Market', then you will see a lot more domains displayed in this table and the respective metrics will change (each domain's Visibility share (Visibility %) will go down because it is based on a larger market comparison).

Here's an example of how the table changes when a user toggles the Market Scope to 'Whole Market':


As you can see, the table now includes sites like Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia as they also rank for these terms and so take up some of the SERPs, even though they don't directly compete with the domain (which in this example campaign is

Metrics displayed in this table:

  • Domain

  • Visibility % (Visibility Share): each domain's visibility share, based on the overall market's visibility (i.e. it's Visibility Score / Total Visibility Score for all domains)

  • Visibility Score: an estimate of a domain's overall visibility for its ranking keywords based on an assumption of each rank achieving a typical CTR (Click Thru Rate) for that ranking position (Visibility Score = Search Volume * CTR for the keyword's rank)

  • Visibility Value $: the estimated value of this visibility based on what it would cost to achieve the same level of visibility via a paid campaign

  • Potential Visibility Score: the potential additional visibility this domain could achieve for all its currently ranking keywords, based on a reasonable 'laddering principle'

  • Number of Keywords: the number of ranking keywords for each domain

  • Number of Pages: the number of ranking URLs each domain has for the monitored keywords on this campaign

  • Keywords per Page: the average number of ranking keywords per ranking URL (i.e. Ranking Keywords / Ranking URLs)

Tag Visibility Chart

Below the Competitor League Table, you'll see another chart which breaks down visibility (and other metrics by keyword tags). In the example below, you can see that the keywords tagged with 'players' enjoy a higher Visibility Score to those tagged with 'grounds':


Ranking URLs

If you click on the Ranking URLs tab, your view will change to display a Ranking URLs table. As you might expect, this displays the top (highest ranking) URLs for each of the selected domains.



A user can customise what is displayed in the table by making use of the cog icon in the top right hand corner.

Metrics available in this table:

  • URL: the top ranking URL for each domain for the campaign keywords

  • Tags: the keyword tags that are assigned to each keyword this URL is ranking for

  • Ranking Keywords: the number of ranking keywords each URL has in the campaign

  • Visibility Index: Visibility Score for each domain, based on a flat average search volume

  • Potential Visibility Score: the potential extra visibility each URL could potentially achieve by increasing the ranking positions of its ranking keywords

  • Visibility Value: the estimated value of this visibility based on what it would cost to achieve the same level of visibility via a paid campaign

Exporting data (CSV files)


Click on the grey cog icon in the top right hand corner of the table and click on 'Download CSV'. This will download the data that is displayed in the table.

Ranking Keywords


If you click on the Ranking Keywords tab, you'll see a table which displays the ranking keywords for the first domain (the "client" domain) on the campaign and corresponding data for selected competitors (it defaults to showing the first three competitors, but you can swap the competitors that are displayed from the Settings icon - 'Choose Displayed Domains').

  • Keyword: each campaign keyword

  • Keyword Group: the keyword group this keyword is assigned to

  • Tags: the tags that are associated with this keyword

  • Universal Results: the types of results seen in the SERPs for this keyword when we last checked. Supported result types:

    • Ad

    • Answer Box

    • Destination

    • Image

    • Job Finder

    • Knowledge Graph

    • People also ask

    • Place (Local Pack)

    • Shopping

    • Top Stories

    • Video

  • Average Search Volume: average search volumes for each keyword (these are currently based on desktop searches only)

  • CPC ($): the average CPC (Cost Per Click) for each keyword (data source: Google)

  • Potential Visibility Score: the potential extra visibility each URL could potentially achieve by increasing the ranking positions of its ranking keywords

  • Rank: the latest top rank for each keyword

  • Result Type: the result type for the domain's rank

  • URL: the top ranking URL for each keyword

  • Visibility Index: Visibility Score for each domain, based on a flat average search volume

  • Visibility Score: an estimate of a domain's overall visibility for its ranking keywords based on an assumption of each rank achieving a typical CTR (Click Thru Rate) for that ranking position (Visibility Score = Search Volume * CTR for the keyword's rank)

  • Visibility %: Visibility Share): each domain's visibility share, based on the overall market's visibility (i.e. it's Visibility Score / Total Visibility Score for all domains)

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