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What do the metrics in the Optimise Existing Content module mean?
What do the metrics in the Optimise Existing Content module mean?
Laurence O'Toole avatar
Written by Laurence O'Toole
Updated over 3 years ago



Organic Growth Potential (Y-axis) - an estimate of the amount of additional organic visibility (or organic traffic) that each host could get for each keyword cluster over and above what the module estimates their existing traffic to be for each cluster. As this module is looking at "existing content", it is based on current ranking keywords and their respective ranking positions and search volume.

Average Relative Strength (X-axis) - the relative strength of the selected host when compared with the competing domains in each cluster, based on a combination of Majestic's Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics. The higher the average relative strength, the more likely the selected host is to be considered a stronger domain to others in the cluster.

Bubble Size - the size of each bubble is proportionate to the number of ranking keywords for each host in that market.


NB - 'Zoom' feature: you can zoom into an area with your mouse by clicking and dragging over an area of the bubble chart. Once you do this, you'll notice a 'Reset zoom' button will appear in the top right-hand corner of the chart which allows you to reset the chart to the original zoom level.



Cluster Name - the name for a cluster of keywords (this is algorithmically assigned).

Your KW Count - the number of ranking keywords the selected host ranks for in each cluster.

Your URL count - the number of ranking URLs the selected host has for ranking keywords in each cluster.

Average Relative Strength - see Average Relative Strength (X-axis) above.

Potential Incremental Traffic - this estimates how much potential organic visibility you could get by improving your ranking for this keyword. This uses the "ladder principle" which does NOT assume that you can somehow miraculously suddenly rank #1 for all keywords, instead it assumes that you can improve to the average of the sites ranking above you for each keyword. Therefore, over time these values will change to reflect changes in your ranking position.

Average Frequency Across Domains - "frequency across domains" is a measure of keyword relevance. You can use it to filter the market data to eliminate very long-tail or brand keywords from the market. The higher the frequency the greater the relevance of the keyword to the original host, as more competing domains from the top 100 competing sites rank for the keyword in the top 3 pages of Google. This column provides the average frequency for each cluster.

Average Number of Competing Pages - the average number of competing URLs in this cluster.



Clicking on any cluster's name in the above table takes you to a cluster view which gives a breakdown of each URL belonging to the selected host which is ranking for keywords in that cluster.


Estimated Traffic (Y-axis) - an estimate of the amount of organic traffic each URL is currently receiving, based on the ranking keywords for that URL and their current ranking position, estimated CTRs and search volume for each ranking keyword.

Average Relative Strength (X-axis) - the relative strength of the selected host when compared with the competing domains in each cluster, based on a combination of Majestic's Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics. The higher the average relative strength, the more likely the selected host is to be considered a stronger domain to others in the cluster.

Bubble Size - the size of each bubble is proportionate to the number of ranking keywords for each URL in the cluster.



Your URL - the ranking URL for the selected host.

Number of keywords - the number of ranking keywords this URL ranks for in the cluster.

Sum of your current traffic - an estimation of your current traffic level for each keyword, based on average expected CTRs (Click Through Rates) for each ranking position from #1 down to #30.

Average relative strength - see Average Relative Strength (X-axis) above.

Sum of Potential incremental traffic - the potential additional organic traffic the selected host could gain, was it to improve its ranking position for this keyword by a reasonable amount (as mentioned above, the platform does not assume the host can suddenly start ranking #1 for each keyword).

Average keyword frequency across domains -see "Average Frequency Across Domains" above.

Average number of competing pages - the average number of competing pages in this cluster.


When you click on an individual URL within the Cluster drilldown view (either on the table or on the chart), you will be presented with a table which gives you a breakdown of the keywords that particular URL is currently ranking for and associated metrics for each ranking keyword.


Keyword - the ranking keyword in that cluster (for the selected host).

Search Volume - the average weekly search volume for the keyword.

Your current rank - your current organic rank for each keyword (based on the selected market, so for the UK, for the US and for France).

Sum of your current traffic - see above.

Potential Traffic increase - see "Sum of Potential Incremental Traffic" above.

Potential Value increase - an estimation of the potential effective value such an improvement in organic ranking could bring, in terms of money saved on PPC expense.

Best competitor URL - the top competing URL for each keyword, based on the latest organic ranking data for the selected host.

Relative Strength - a comparison of the relative strength of the selected host's domain compared to the domain of the top competitor URL (this is currently not a direct URL => URL strength comparison, due to the cost implications of calculating this across billions of potential URL combinations).

Frequency across domains - see "Average Frequency Across Domains" above.

Number of competing pages - the number of competing pages for this keyword in this cluster.

If you have any questions about the metrics shown in any module, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing

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