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How to use the Keyword Clustering Feature using SERP Similarity in Keyword Rank Tracking
How to use the Keyword Clustering Feature using SERP Similarity in Keyword Rank Tracking

This feature allows you to automatically group keywords together based on how similar the top ranking organic pages are for each keyword.

Laurence O'Toole avatar
Written by Laurence O'Toole
Updated over a week ago

1. Click on Rank Tracking

Step 1 screenshot

2. Select the 'Check-all' checkbox to select all your keywords on the page.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Then click on the 'Click to Select All n Results' message.

This will select all the keywords in your project.

If you have thousands of keywords and have already organised them into different tag groups, then you may not necessarily need to tag all your keywords in one go. You can filter to specific tag groups first. Just bear in mind, that it's better to cluster related keywords together or you may inadvertently orphan a few keywords.

The system will allow you to cluster 10,000 keywords in one go. Please bear in mind this sends 100,000 URLs to our backend API to analyse, so the more keywords you add the longer it will take. Clustering 4,000 keywords takes about 15 minutes.

Step 3 screenshot


Step 4 screenshot

5. Enter 'Cluster job name'.

You can run multiple cluster jobs, although if you like the results then you might only need to do it once πŸ˜€. So give the run a meaningful name. e.g. 'All\_keywords\_70%'.

70% if the default similarity setting. This effectively groups keywords where 7 of the top 10 organic ranking pages (we include Featured Snippets) are the same.

But, if you want to test this at 60% or 80% (just move the slider), including this number in your job name will help you analyse the results later.

Step 5 screenshot

6. Click on Cluster

Step 6 screenshot

7. Have a cup of tea and wait for the SERP clustering job to complete.

Now you just need to wait for it to finish. If you click on 'Processes' and then 'Analysis' you can see that the job has queued and you can check when it has finished.

(Please note, there is no email notification at the moment), so please give it a few hours.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Once the job has completed, go back to the Keyword Rankings module and click on the filter icon and select the 'Tag' filter.

Step 8 screenshot

9. Type "cluster" and you should see the automatic clusters that have been created.

Step 9 screenshot

10. Click on 'Apply' to filter the keyword ranking table to this group.

Step 10 screenshot

11. You can now see all the keywords that have been grouped together.

Step 11 screenshot

12. (Optional) You can now re-name the tag groups.

The automatic cluster name is not exactly user friendly. But you can easily add a new tag to these keywords by selecting them all, clicking on the 'Action' link and then clicking on' Add New Tag'. Once you have renamed the keywords, you can repeat this process and click 'Remove Tag' to remove the automatic cluster tags.

Step 12 screenshot

13. Type "rename the cluster"

Step 13 screenshot

14. Click on 'Save'.

Step 14 screenshot

15. Filter the keyword ranking table to see which pages you rank for.

The easiest way to do this is to click on the 'Rank' column to sort it by highest rank.

Step 15 screenshot

16. You can click on the 'Top 100 icon' to see the full SERP results for a few keywords.

Step 16 screenshot

17. Now you need to determine which page you want to rank for this group of keywords.

If you have a single page ranking then great. If you have multiple pages ranking, then you need to consider which page you want ranking and determine whether you need to make some content changes or redirects to direct all ranking signals to your desired page.

You can then map all these keywords to your desired page to help you keep track of your changes.

Click the 'Select all' checkbox to select all the keywords in this group.

Step 17 screenshot

18. Then click on 'Update Mapped Page(s)'.

Step 18 screenshot

19. Enter the path for the desired ranking page; e .g. /agency-solutions.

Step 19 screenshot

20. Click on 'Save'.

Step 20 screenshot

21. Use the 'Mapped Pages' function to manage your keywords and pages.
The Mapped Pages column indicated by a "!" will highlight when the correct or incorrect page is ranking.

A green circle indicates that the correct page is ranking (if you do not rank in the top 100 results then this will also show as green until a ranking page is found for the keyword).

A red circle indicates that a different page is ranking.

A grey circle indicates that no mapped page has been set for this keyword.

Step 21 screenshot

22. And that's Keyword Clustering based on SERP Similarity

That's it folks!

We hope you find it easy to use and more importantly helpful in determining which keywords to organise together and which pages should be ranking for which keywords.

By looking at the keyword clusters and the top competing sites, hopefully you will get a better idea of what changes you need to make to a page to help you outperform the competition.

And yes, before you ask, we're working on automating this next actionable step next!

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